
Blacy Smiley - Exciting

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Happy Eidul Fitri 1433 H

Lebaran/Hari Raya/Idul Fitri, atau apalah itu namanya... Yap! siapa sih umat Muslim yg gak excited sama moment itu? I guess semuanya pada seneng & pengen cepet-cepet karena hampir sebulan kita menahan hawa nafsu, emosi pokoknya hal-hal yg nggak baik dehh. But, tahun ini gue gabisa puasa 1 bulan penuh T-T you-know-why lahh~ Oke, kali ini gue langsung ke point nya aja ya. FOR ALL OF temen-temen gue, temen Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Img33, YM, Kik, sobat Blogger dan yg lain-lain pokoknya gue minta maaf banget-banget-banget-banget kalau ada kata yg salah atau tindakan yg mengakitkan, sekali lagi~ Minal Aidzin Walfaidzin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin. o:)

Sincerely, me. Lots of love<3 xx

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

He's mine, not yours.

I’m a jealous/protective ass typa gf. I don’t know about you guys, but when I see a female tryin to talk to my boy, my radars hella on. I don’t like thirsty ass females having a conversation with him. I’m protective of what’s mine, and that should be understandable and respected. I don’t mind him talking to females but fuck, if you’re gonna try to “spit game” towards my man, be sure you’re ready for hell. It’s bad enough that I don’t like a whole lotta females, so come corrected or don’t come at all. Know where the fuck you stand and respect the relationship.

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

I Was Born To Be a SELENATOR.♥

There will be a time when we put our Selena CD’s away, our Selena T-Shirts, all our merchandise and take our posters down. There will be a time when Selena is married and she has her own kids, there will be a time when us, “SELENATORS” are married and have kids,

One day in very distant future we will come on to the TV. “Today the legendary Selena Gomez has sadly passed away” and my child will turn to me and say “mom, who’s Selena Gomez?” and with a tear running down my face I will say “She was the woman who help my life, who inspires me and she’s my hero” and I will go to my room and I will take out my box of Selena Gomez stuff I will watch the movies, I will wear the t-shirts, I will stare the posters and I will do this all whilst crying my eyes out. I promise to will always support her. I don’t care what happen.

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