
Blacy Smiley - Exciting

Senin, 30 Juli 2012


I’m the girl that wanted to commit suicide, I’m the girl that wanted to hurting myself,  but now realizes how hurt people would be if I took my own life. 

Have you ever laid on your bed at the night and just cried because you’re not good enough? Counted all your flaws and felt worse about yourself. Cried because of all the comments that people blurt out, actually hurt?

People think insecurity is about being sad. They think it’s just when you ‘feel down’. It’s not It’s like a darkness that creeps over you and fills you. It drains all your emotions. It takes everything from you, and leaves you feeling hollows and numb. It’s not sadness, It’s not anger, It’s hopelessness. Imagine waking up and there being no colour. Walking outside and feeling no wind. Eating a meal and tasting nothing. Holding someone and feeling completely alone at the same time. When you’re insecure, it’s not a bad mood. It’s a numb, empty, hollowness that seems to never leaves. You feel like there’s no hope left. 

I've been going through hard times. Until the day I heard 'Who Says' I feel like....I found a new life. Before I know Selena, I always wish to be somebody else. But after I knew her, my life is totally changed. I be my self, and I'

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

You're Not Alone.

I'm writing this post for people who are going through hard times. Who cut themselves, have suicidal thoughts and starve themselves.

So here you are, writing your suicidal note. Wishing you was beautiful and skinny. (WICH YOU ARE) but you can't see it. You can't see it through all the bullies telling you you are not. But trust me, you are. You are worth it. You are beautiful. You are wanted. You are needed and You are skinny. Instead of paying attention to the bullies, pay attention to the people who love you and care about you. I've been going through suicidal thoughts too. But guess what? I started ignoring the hate and paying attention to the love. You don't know how much you mean to me. I may not know you, but I know how you feel. I've felt the same way. But you need to realize that you are BEAUTIFUL and WORTH IT. But not everyone is gonna see it or agree with it. Do you know the feeling when you can't eat, nor smile anymore. Slowly giving up and wanting to end your life? Yeah, I bet you do know the feeling. But, you need to wipe away your tears, put the blades down and realize that there are people who care. You might don't know it but people do care, even though they don't show it sometimes. I know you don't wanna end your life, you wanna end the pain. You don't wanna live with it, or you CAN'T. But I'm always here for you and so is Selena. When you feel like giving up, remember that Selena and your Selenator family cares, Especially me. I care because I know how it feels when you have someone telling you, you are worthless. But you need to realize that not everyone is gonna love you, not everyone has the same opinion. So chin up beautiful, put the blades/razors down and smile. You are worth it, you are beautiful, you are needed and you are wanted. I'm always here for you.

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